Randy Liebeck is a research specialist, field investigator and writer covering the field of ghost and poltergeist phenomena. Utilizing a combination of cognitive investigative skills and the latest in technological monitoring and detection equipment, he has conducted haunted house investigations throughout the United States and in Great Britain. He has had cases referred to him by individuals, universities, the news media, attorneys, government agencies and various parapsychological research organizations.
Liebeck provides psychical phenomena (psi) consulting & technical advisor services for TV, film, and print media outlets. He was a consultant on ghosts and hauntings for the popular television program Sightings and has served as a columnist for Unknown Magazine and Ghost! Magazine, feature writer and stringer for FATE Magazine, and contributer to several books on the subject of ghosts and hauntings. In addition to Sightings he has served as a behind the scenes consultant and on-air 'ghost expert' for several TV programs around the world including Unsolved Mysteries, Dead Famous: Ghostly Encounters, and Unexplained Mysteries. He has been a guest on dozens of radio talk shows in the U.S. and Canada, and has been featured in several U.S. and international magazines and newspapers.
Liebeck lectures on ghosts & hauntings, and has developed and taught a course on ghosts & poltergeists at St. Johns University (NYC), Bergen Community College (NJ) and several other local schools.
Randy Liebeck is the United States representative for the Society for Psychical Research's Spontaneous Cases Committee, the New Jersey state representative for the Ghost Research Society, an affiliated Parapsychological Field Investigator for Loyd Auerbach's Office of Paranormal Investigations (OPI) and was an investigator with the Vestigia Science Anomalies Research Team in New Jersey. He has completed formal parapsychological education programs with the Rhine Research Center, the University of Edinburgh’s Koestler Parapsychology Unit, the Parapsychology Foundation, the Alvarado Zingrone Institute for Research and Education (AZIRE), and the HCH Institute. He is an active member of the Society for Psychical Research, the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP), the Ghost Club (London), and maintains supporting affiliations with the Rhine Research Center and the Parapsychological Association.
Make Contact
Randy is based in the New Jersey / New York City area.
e-mail: Randy.Liebeck@outlook.com
Voicemail: (609) 651-8524
From Ghosties and Ghoulies and Long-Leggity Beasties and Things that go BUMP in the Night, May the Good Lord Deliver Us!
(Old Cornish Prayer)